Saturday, November 7, 2009
Breaking the Sound Barrier
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Just an Update (& a lame cartoon...)

Friday, June 12, 2009
The Hungry Frog
Anyhow it looks like the culprit is latex! I'm allowed to have the elastics out during the day now, and when I put them back in at night, within 45 minutes I exploded into a rash of itchies all over again. I've now got non-latex band and things are improving wonderfully. (You can still see the rash remnants on my face, but apparently it can take a up to a couple of weeks for the histamine to clear your system)
He walked around with his neck stretched out, shaking his head at you and clicking his teeth together, the most eery sound; whether in greeting or warning (or both) I could never quite figure out. He scared me a little.
I think I might understand him a bit better now, as I stretch out my neck to hide the double chin, shake the head to check out new angles, and am constantly clicking my teeth together with the joy of teeth that FIT together! So if you see or hear me coming, don't be frightened! That clickety-clicking teeth gnashing is pure bliss!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Finger Lickin' Good
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Poser? Poseur?
This pic is actually quite lovely in what it symbolizes (ahhhh, deep moment), which is the slow but steady demise of Stone Face Syndrome. The mobility being displayed has been rewarded with pudding.
The numbness is now limited directly where bone cuts were made. That's kind of creebley too, as before it was just an over-all throbby, tingly, stone numbness. Now, it's quite specific. For example: On the surface my nose feels touch and I can scrunch & wiggle it. But underneath it all, the foundation my nose sits on? Dead. Very strange to describe. Everything else feels like just before the Novocaine wears off at the dentist.
~Daily Jaw~
Junk: Nocturnal muscle spasms (the knife-in-the-ear kind) do not a good sleep make. Spontaneously teary at times.
Assess: Bit by bit, little by little.....
Wow: Starting to feel more human(e)
Monday, June 1, 2009
The cold from my kids is great fun: Sneezing is even more fun than coughing. Do you know the PSI of your average sneeze? Through your MOUTH my friends, not your nose. Bite teeth gently to stabilize your jaw and let it out your mouth. Hold paper in front of face and marvel at the spray patterns. Pretty! Sneezy, coughy, stuffy. Blech.
My goal was to not lose any weight, and I'm proud of this accomplishment, but GAINING weight? Yeah, leave it to the over-achiever.
Aimee, I feel your pain. I'm developing allergies. I'm pretty sure the full body rash flares the worst with peanut butter (this and a banana in the chocolate shake SJP recommended is a flavour sensation! MMMmmm~TRY THIS!) but I'm not ruling out the banana and noticed the strawberry shake last night also sent me in search of Benadryl. I don't think the drugged out Benadryl hangover is helping my mindset.
I'm going for a good long walk outside in the morning to clear my head :)
~Daily Jaw~
Junk: Blech, Yuck, Blah
Assess: Time to regroup & refocus
Wow: I need to lighten up!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
But Are Your Lips Blue?
(* This pic is from Friday morning and was chosen for T-shirt message irony, to highlight that lips and disgustipating bandage are still at large, blind you with the shiny-glossy skin, & if you look close I've actually got yellow bruising on my neck.*)
I believe it was Thursday evening after my "everything is dandy" post that Karma kicked my big-fat mouth and the throat tickling began. That niggling that builds at times when you know you're supposed to be silent. Your eye's are watering like crazy as you try to bite it back but you know it's futile and the cough eventually comes crashing out. But because you've made 'it' wait, 'it's' going to make you reel over and over again till that tickle is satisfied. Painful enough experiencing this during Church congregational prayer, (I missed the whole first half of my Sister's wedding address to this evil), but knowing it IS going to happen and your heads been recently rearranged and I thought I'd go mental in anticipation.
I should say "It's not as bad you you think" (read: my head did not literally implode ) but it sure made me aware of lots of little things. Like:
- Wow, I'd forgotten about surgical hooks embedded in swollen flesh in there- Sudden sharp movements that rip them out of hiding feels awesome! Or
- Cool, That's what a rubber band snapping in your mouth feels like! And
- Who-da-thunk-it, but you can actually dry heave and cough at the same time and resemble a One-Man-Band guy who plays accordion and harmonica, bending over to thump and whack on a variety of drums while reaching up to give the monkey-on-shoulder a pat...probably sound the same too.
Ah Yes, I'd promised to show the iv debacle, the truth of which I'm sure I'll never know. Picture on the left is where I watched them insert and felt them run meds into me. It is from this same sight that I was still receiving everything post op as well. The mystery? Picture on the right is the flip side of the same hand, obviously beaten up nicely and the pain of a recovery nurse holding pressure on this sight is my first and overwhelming memory of 'Coming To'. I have no idea why.
Junk: This really can be a crappy place to be
Assess: It really will get better
Wow: Kawartha Dairy Ice Cream
And My Lips Aren't Blue!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Who Wantsh a Kish?
I .HATE. pressure. bandage. It is itchy, smelly, sticky, and harbouring Swine flu,... maybe.....well...chocolate pudding for sure which also makes it slightly hauteur couture, no?
Bottom Feeder (with pu bah rights) insists it remains on until Monday the 25th, on which date I can assure you it will have already moved on to greener pastures and taken half of my face with it. What has GOT to be growing under there? *shudder!*
How many of you guys suffered this nuisance? I wanted to compare the puffage from all angles, OoH is that a bruise there? And All I GET Is The 'Yo Mumma!' Face, the one that inspires that joke about the kid on the back of his dad's motorbike....Slow down daddy....
I've been having a time getting blogger the work and post the last couple of days, and that frustration in combination with drugs = not much posting. I'm done the narcotics and am just crushing up Tylenol. Honestly, I'm not noticing a lot of difference in the pain front. I have had very little acute pain. It really is the constant 'Discomfort' that begs distraction. I've had a couple teary moment where those jaws are just aching, like a targeted ear ache, but combined with Strep throat swallowing issues, cold/flue stuffy/aches, tired. It's at these times I remind myself:
This could hurt SO much more, enjoy the mediocrity
- I can "drink'" from a cup and felt my lips from the get-go: COOL!
- Nose stopped dripping by day 3-4. Sounds gross, but melting my way through the clot (with peroxide, without dis logging it) so I could always breath if I'd just freak less and sit still. The nurse who showed me this deserves pudding
- I have This Man to make me fresh soup! And Chocolate Pudding (a day before technically"allowed") That's the only time I've used the zip n'Squeeze and did it pack away a family pudding like no tomorrow~ YUM !
So, I'm doing dandy! I'm SOBER :) Wait a minute, If I'm off the drugs now......
Just joking. I'm trying to smile at you in the pics, but the lip are in danger of popping. Seriously, I miss being able to talk much. Jonathan can understand me and I can make myself heard but this takes LOTS of works and ends up with achy jaw. Playing around with ice and heat now, not for any advantage over comfort and just praying for my throat to go back to normal.
Tomorrow, I'll show you the IV bruises from where no IV "technically"' existed. Always fun
Love you Guys :)
Junk: Still whining the throatAssess: So Much more worth giving thanks for
Wow: Off to marvel more flowers :)
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Day 2=Dumb face
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Howdy We're Home
For now, Crazy throat from the breathing and stomach sucking implements is the biggest discomfort right now. As long as you remember to relax it's all good. NOT a fan of the pressure bandage~ ITCHY! and does some weird shoving and lump and bump making.
Trust me, I felt swollen here, but now I can reassure you it hadn't yet begun!
I'm crazy looped on morphine and percocet right now, but wanted to reassure all went well and made it home okay. Will catch up soon :)
~Daily JAW~
Junk: Throat feels tight, hard to breathe, swallowing the "lump"
Assess: It's Early, but feeling way better than I'd of thought
Wow: So good to be home!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Potty Mouth
Anyhow, the kids are dropped off at their grandparents' which led to a few tears (mine~ alone in my car), my house looks like a bomb hit and I'm taking off for an evening of distraction: a school membership meeting, a Big Mac meal, Hubby's ball hockey game, and then if the clock allows and I've not turned back into a pumpkin, perhaps another Big Mac meal. Each of these equally important events will be accompanied by a fresh Tim's coffee~ double, double. I'm not sleeping anyways so we'll go for a grease/caffeine-induced coma. WEEEeeeeee!
Thank you so much for the encouragement, thoughts, prayers and Boo-ya's. I'm not WiFi compatible so Dark Side posts won't be forth-coming 'till I'm back home Sunday. I love you guys :)
Good Luck to Stephanie on your Surgery Monday!
~ Daily J.A.W. ~
Junk: Feel like a space cadet
Assessment: This will soon be enhanced by Percocet & Ativan
Wow: Last night with an underbite!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Sleeping Seldom Satisfied
Jittery, Jumpy.
Prescriptions Picked up
Percocet Preparedness
Pink Penicillin.
Back for Braces Fix
Ortho Observes Orally
Surgical Spikes Skewed.
Hair Highlighted, Hot
Pre-game Show is Commencing
Last Thoughts Coming Soon.
Friday, May 8, 2009
It's ME
Surgical hooks are placed between each tooth and with the exception of storing snacks for a rainy day, I have yet to reach for the case of wax scoffed from the Ortho's in anticipation of what could be. *shrug* No biggie.
Yesterday was the day of hurry up and wait: pre-op clinics at the hospital and surgeon's. A whole lot of nod and smile as you get re-told everything you've already gone over. Do they think you're going to change your mind, jump up screaming "WHAT? You're gonna do WHAT?!" It was nice that Jonathan came for these visits, though. It let him hear everything first hand from the powers that be, instead of listening to me go on about it.
I scored these from the surgeon:

Always fun seeing your innards and the kids love how the hooks show so well in the Pan x ray.
I'm not putting up the projected 'dolphin' morph pictures The Man presented me. They are horrid. And wonderful. Confused?
First the horrid. They are confirmation of why I hate pictures taken. Holy snap they were that bad. It was a National Enquirer version of some Celeb being caught without makeup and being outed as a trans-gendered druggie giving birth to alien babies. The first thing Jonathan said when we got back in the car was "Dude. You do NOT look like that. Trust me. Those sucked." I hadn't said anything but he knew where my brain was. How can you like the projection when based on horror?
The wonderful. There was so little difference between the before and after. So subtle that if you blink twice you might have imagined anything varied at all. Still confused? If you haven't been following my narcissistic self-centred tale or woe from the beginning, you might have missed that with the exception of a potentially more-balanced profile as bonus, I'm doing this because of long standing jaw pain.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
A Slight-Of-Hand
Coversation as heard in my house this morning:
"Ow, ow, ow!"
"Are you stretching down there?"
"Feel the BURN!"
"No really, are you okay?"
"I'm trying to get up! Help!"
.....and signed up for a Body Bootcamp. I'm a fairly active person who suffers from lack of self-motivation by times, so I thought I'd give this new class a go. Oh MY! You know when you do something a little different and talk about finding new muscles you didn't know existed? How this is normally restricted to a specific body area depending on that activity?
I posses a whole second body, living within the known one like a parasite. That new-found one hurts. Everywhere. ALOT. But what a hoot~ I can't wait for next week. I can't move but inside I'm all pumped and raring to go!
How is this jaw related? I guess it's not directly associated, except that the nerves are creeping in on occasion and I wanted to channel that adrenaline into a tangible, completely separate outlet. I suppose housework or never-ending laundry would have sufficed, but I have to do that anyways and it just feels like more jaw-surgery prep. I'm doing hot yoga on Saturday, so I can add sweaty pain to the list :)
This week's been busy on the Doctor front though surgery still feels a long way off. The one coming up is fairly quiet~ a calm before the storm. Time to catch my breath before the whirlwind picks up and I'm dumped unceremoniously on "the other side" without warning.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
The Quartermaster
I have to wait for the goodies in Head Honcho's 'mystery-bag-of-delight', but allow me to share a smattering of my nesting compulsions thus far.
I've decided not to go the zip-n-squeeze route. Perhaps there will be cursing later, but I've practiced with my baster, improvised baby bottles, flexible paper cups and squeeze bottles and think there's enough option & variety to suffice. I've stocked up on all things liquid; from sweet to bland to savoury, thin to thick consistency, to make sure there's no excuse against getting those calories in.
My most substantial purchase? That Lazyboy recliner (OH! so comfy like a hug!) I tried out all kinds of chairs offered as loaners from family and felt like Goldilocks. Couldn't imagine sleeping in them for a night let alone weeks. This one is Juuuuuust right!
My favourite purchase? That ladybug neck pillow, how cute and cheery is that?!
I know all too well from the openness of our fellow bloggers just how unprepared I'll feel with the emotional roller coaster that is jaw surgery. I'm just trying to keep an open mind that it WILL be a roller coaster and will cross those bridges and hurdles as they come. Physical preparedness is not something I want to worry about on top of it all.
I've been studying the supplement options for a while now and was quite impressed by the Vita Medica product that Rita mentioned her surgeon giving her as it has everything I want in one handy program. Figures I can't get it in Canada. So I made note of the dosage recommendations and individually got:
Bromelain and Quercetin (for the swelling- I'm allergic to advil and anti-inflammatory meds), homeopathic Calcium/minerals (for bone support and a form that doesn't build up in your body), Arnica (both topical and internal for bruising) and a liquid multi-vitamin for over all health. In the meantime I'll be switching my regular B complex super vitamin to one that doesn't have vitamin E and will stop juicing ginger root and garlic a couple of weeks prior to surgery due to their blood thinning properties.
Phew! Wasn't that exciting? Hope nobody passed out in a puddle of drool. This is where I'm at for today :)
Friday, March 13, 2009
Now Accepting Applications~
Okay, I have officially completed nailing down and booking all those crazy appointments that have to happen before one sets foot in the OR and my overwhelming observation is, IF it weren't so darn exciting it might seem a tad bit daunting. Heavy emphasis on the 'IF'. Drum roll please:
- April 2: Complete Physical
- April 20: Dental Cleaning
- April 21: Pre-op with Family Doctor
- May 7: Hospital Pre-Op & Admissions
- May 7: Surgeon's Clinic and Workup
- May 13: Surgical Hooks
- May 15: Um.... I KNOW there's something...
A bit belated perhaps, but the re-consult at the Great One's office was a raging success. We laughed, danced, high-fived,broke into song. Who am I kidding: I marched in, grabbed him by the scruff of his well-pressed shirt, shook him 3 times and a date popped out. Mission accomplished.
The game plan is still a Lefort 1 + Genioplasty, though it's looking like a segmented Lefort is back off the table. Sweet. He'll present the full details and show me projected pictures at the May 7 appointment and I get a knapsack of goodies at that time too, just like Christmas! He's keeping me two nights in the hospital because I'm an out-of-towner. May long weekend in a ward room. The only part I'm not too keen on.
For the first week home my kids will be at my in-laws. Close enough if I want a visit and school can proceed as normal, far enough that their mother's face not inspire nightmares. Hubby is taking the week off to play nurse as he looks darn cute in the outfit and is a sucker for punishment.
The 2nd week, My mom is coming to beg the husband not to leave me, ferry kids to school, be a general wonder woman, and put up with me. It's in the mom job description.
I've had my supply kit assembled for months now, compiled a list of soups to have frozen and at the ready, my overnight bag packed and sitting by the front door. The 'easy' stuff is done and accounted for.
Now for the hard part. I've been using the "I need my date" excuse as a security blanket, shielding me from the biggest goal I want to accomplish before getting hacked in twain. Quit Smoking. Period. Welcome to the first day of a new adventure~ Wish me luck.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
MAY 15!
Right purty don't cha think?
Details to follow. Tonight I'm just absorbing~ a sponge *shprulp!*
Head's UP
I have an appointment this afternoon at 1:00!
Guess how much sleeping took place last night?
That magic date? I'll know this afternoon...
Of COURSE you'll be the first to know!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Why am I rambling about surprises anyways? Well, I'm such a patient soul (harHar!). Ever since those molds were taken I've been doing the whole, "Does the surgeon call me to come in? Does he call the Ortho who calls me to call the surgeon? Do I call the surgeon?" Worst fear was waiting for a phone to ring that was NEVER going to ring. So of course I did the calling. First to the Ortho to make sure molds had been sent. She assured me she had personally couriered them & they should arrive at destination chop-shop by Friday. That it was totally acceptable to call and set something up if I hadn't heard anything by the middle of next week.
Of course, my brain interpreted this as "D'uh! If he'll have them Friday, I'm calling Friday!"
I did. And lovely Tanya was amazingly patient with me. Those models had just marched in the door. Know when the next date is for a re-consult? April 6th! Know what the best thing is since sliced bread? A cancellation list! Guess what sweetness and all thing light gets you? A spot at the top of it! What will be the death of me in the meantime? Waiting for that phone to ring.
The moral of this circular tale: Always be nice with the one controlling the appointment books. When my phone rings, Tanya's totally getting cookies.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
I Take it Back.

The GAP; it no longer holds power, not even in it's name because the GAP no longer exists. I'd show you but some moron (namely me) has to charge up the camera. I know. You're disappointed. Hence poor-substitute Clip Art.
I got those molds taken, surgery wires in and was admonished not to hurt anyone with my enthusiasm (Okay, that last part is fabrication of sorts~ he told me not to get too excited yet...spoil sport). I'm allowed to injure innocent bystanders when I get the call from 'His Eminence' confirming our notion that all systems are go.
Given the rapid pace of the GAP's sudden closure, dear Ortho wants everything held stable for 8 weeks irregardless, so it's not like Operation Jigsaw is tomorrow. It DOES mean there's a good chance it'll be this Spring. Lalalalalala~ Doing the (minor victory) happy dance.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
The Suspense is KILLING Me!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
Game Time: If I Were....I'd Be...