Friday, May 8, 2009

It's ME

This time next week, the iv will have been inserted, I'll be wearing hospital garb and singing "Take Me Out To The Balllllllllgame..." ~off key, of course~ while waiting to be wheeled into the cold sterile environment of an Operating Theatre. It feels surreal at this moment. I won't say I don't feel nervous 'cause I'm pretty sure what I'm feeling is nerves, but it's not overwhelming. More a case of the jitters where I just can't stay still or focus on anything for very long. Jumpy. Waiting for the crack of the starter's pistol.

Surgical hooks are placed between each tooth and with the exception of storing snacks for a rainy day, I have yet to reach for the case of wax scoffed from the Ortho's in anticipation of what could be. *shrug* No biggie.

Yesterday was the day of hurry up and wait: pre-op clinics at the hospital and surgeon's. A whole lot of nod and smile as you get re-told everything you've already gone over. Do they think you're going to change your mind, jump up screaming "WHAT? You're gonna do WHAT?!" It was nice that Jonathan came for these visits, though. It let him hear everything first hand from the powers that be, instead of listening to me go on about it.

I scored these from the surgeon:

Always fun seeing your innards and the kids love how the hooks show so well in the Pan x ray.

I'm not putting up the projected 'dolphin' morph pictures The Man presented me. They are horrid. And wonderful. Confused?

First the horrid. They are confirmation of why I hate pictures taken. Holy snap they were that bad. It was a National Enquirer version of some Celeb being caught without makeup and being outed as a trans-gendered druggie giving birth to alien babies. The first thing Jonathan said when we got back in the car was "Dude. You do NOT look like that. Trust me. Those sucked." I hadn't said anything but he knew where my brain was. How can you like the projection when based on horror?

The wonderful. There was so little difference between the before and after. So subtle that if you blink twice you might have imagined anything varied at all. Still confused? If you haven't been following my narcissistic self-centred tale or woe from the beginning, you might have missed that with the exception of a potentially more-balanced profile as bonus, I'm doing this because of long standing jaw pain.

Yes, I have an underbite from the upper not growing enough but it is not an in-your-face underbite. My upper jaw is skewed to my right giving a crossbite, but it's not horrendous. It's just enough that Orthodontics alone can't straighten it. Enough that my teeth won't line up and let me chew properly. Enough that my joints get strained with every bite. And the best? Enough that I will recognize myself when this is all over!


  1. Exciting! Getting so close!

  2. Very funny...Operating Theatre. I can picture a large white room with a single gurney, and a large plastic transparent wall, where behind sits a vast silent audience. As you enter, the room darkens and a single spotlight shines on the gurney, along with brooding dramatic music.

    Wait a second...yours is next Friday too (the 15th)? We're gonna be surg-buds...e-high 5! I'm going to see the Surg one more time in a couple of hours.

    I know what you mean about 'jitters'. I'm not feeling nervous or scared or anything. I think there's still a part of me that doesn't believe this is going to actually happen. Or maybe it's my body reassuring itself that everything's going to be OK to preparation of what's to come. Anyway, I'm excited for ya.

  3. I know~ Close indeed!

    e-five coming back at'cha, haha. Good luck with the surgeon this afternoon. Can't wait to hear all about it! And oh, yes, this is definitely happening, partner :)

  4. How exciting! It's been a long old wait for you too hasn't it!! Almost there! xx

  5. Just got back....not for at least another month. Can I still keep the e-five?

  6. Crap. Unbelievable. That five stands any old time you're ready for it. Perhap this is a "down low" five...

  7. Yay! I can't believe it's almost time! Too bad about the fake after pictures... I'm sure your result will be lovely!!

    Thinking about you - and YAY is right about July 1st ;)

  8. omg! i can't believe it's already here! good luck!

  9. I'm so glad you are happy with the way you look! It was funny after the surgery because there is change for a while (like months). I actually went through some stages of looking quite different and I thought I was done... but, low and behold, I kept changing. Now, I look more and more like Elaine (thankfully!). Some people think I look a lot different, others can't even tell. Probably depends on what people are focused on! My face is thinner because of the weight-loss and a little more defined because of the jaw movement, so that looks different but better...

    I'll be checking daily to see what's up with you! You'll have so much support because you have been such a wonderful encourager to so many of us. I'm looking forward to going through this with you! I'll be praying...


  10. You are going to look great. I didn't think I would look different but I do and as I get compliments, I do like my new look. Everything is going to go great!!! So happy for you!!! : )

  11. Oh my gosh ~ 4 days!!!! I'm so excited for you. Your comments on my blog have been so encouraging. You're the best. Thank you so much. You're going to look so great.

  12. Very exciting! I agree with Aimee that your comments have been so encouraging. I'm so happy for you - you're going to look great!

  13. Almost there, you're coming in to the home stretch! Then at least all of the anticipation is over, and you can focus on the healing. You are well prepared, you will do great. I am so excited for you!

  14. 4 more sleeps! Crazy, eh? Thank you so much for all the encouragement~ I love our blogging family :)

  15. I know what you mean about those blimmin' pictures, the ones my ortho took of me were so bad I could use them to frighten children!

    So not long now to your voyage to the Promised Land, you seem to be coping well with the excitement/terror mix.

    I'll be coming down to wave you off :)

  16. AHHH!! Only 3 more days for you! I am so excited. I am thinking of you and hoping everything goes FANTASTICALLY (as I know it will!!).

    How are you feeling? Are you nervous? Do you feel prepared?

  17. AnonymousMay 12, 2009

    Hello, I'm a newbie to all this orthoblogging but had my surgery last week so know what you are going through- i've been suffering with jaw pain for years which is the main reason behind all of this for me too. Just hope its worth it! Wishing you all the very best for the op. Let me know how you get on, Lisa

  18. Way to go Kate! We're all praying for you

  19. Hi Kate!!! Wow...just a few more hours away and you'll be in la la land! You must be so excited and scared at the same time...know that feeling all too well. You're going to do great and I'll be praying for your surgeons and for a great and easy recovery. With your humor you will come through with flying colors. Love ya!! Clarissa "Braceface Mom"
