Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Suspense is KILLING Me!

Ever since I stopped calling it for what it is, 'IT' started to close so as IF I'm going to switch things up now. N'uh-uh, Niet, Nada, Nien, No way Jose! Yardstick is Floss!!! Do you here me? FLOSS!!!!
Argh! I'm totally jinxing things by giving way to youthful exuberance when home free has not yet been tagged, but after stalling out for SO long I cannot contain my pleasure. You keep getting gorey close-ups as things look smaller from far away - that perspective thing- and I refuse to cheat in this regard. Lets just say that from regular viewing distance, If I've not blown the spit bubbles out of the way you can't even see a ga~ OOps! that was close~ um, lacuna* exists at all.
SO. The question I need help with is this: Do I NOT brush my teeth for Thursday's Ortho appointment? Leave the gunk for a visual mirage in hopes that he thinks all is done, jumps up clapping "Chopchop! Minions, we must immediately do new records & overnight Fed-Ex to the Great One!! He must be appeased with new bones to render in twain!" ?
Yes, I've GOT to lay off the caffeine.


  1. LOL Kate...uhmmm...I think you're ortho assistant would really like for you to brush prior to her seeing your almost closed space...hahaha. ARE almost there...and you just might get that news your little ears have been clamoring for...RECORDS!!! I'll be praying that is the you have anymore caffeine???? I could use some! ;)

  2. Harhar~ And tough cookies for the assistant! They're MEAN!

    Coffee pot's always on at my house :)

  3. Haha, I've done that...left food in between my teeth to hide ga-lucunas. Judging by your past pics, it looks like it's getting better and better!

  4. HAH! I never brush before orthodontist appointments... that way I get time at the sink sans-wire :)

    I am so happy for you!!!

  5. haha... brush your teeth... you'll have to smell it too if you don't=D good luck!
