Thursday, September 11, 2008

Relevance of Shakespeare & Teeth

"'Tis but thy name that is my enemy; Thou art thyself, though not a Montague. What's Montague? it is nor hand, nor foot, Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part Belonging to a man. O, be some other name! What's in a name? that which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet;" (excerpt from Romeo & Juliet)

According to my Oxford Thesaurus:

Gap n. 1. opening, space, aperture, distance, hole, void, crack, split, division, cleft, rift, rip, tear, rent, interruption, interval, lacuna (this is my new word for the day!), hiatus, discontinuity, disruption, lull, pause, rest, recess, halt, stop, suspension, delay, wait, intermission, respite. 2. difference, divergence, disparity, disagreement, inconsistency, discrepancy, division, distinction.

If the text included visualization for clarity, this might be a suggested example. I do find it interesting that the entry following 'gap' is 'gape' ~as this seems to be the natural progression incurred from the former. To completely go off on a tangent, the next words in sequence are garble, garish, garland....otherwise known as talks funny, looks funny, slap some braces on 'em...

My humble conclusion; it doesn't matter WHAT I call my gap, it still is one. *Sigh* I'd like to call it 'HISTORY'!


  1. As from September 2008, all entries for the word 'gap' in the Oxford Illustrated Dictionary will include a picture of you teeth. Future generations will thank you. ;-)Nothing like proper visuals.


  2. LOL you are so funny. Your gap is just like my stubborn molars.

  3. Gaps are pains in the rare ... big time. Over the past few months the gap over my impacted canine has closed more than any time previous in the past three years ... so I'm now positive it will close and close sometime soon!

    I'm sending positive energy your way to get that gap of your's closed also!

    Here's to all our gaps being HISTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Haha, I'd love my gaps to be history as well. We could start a movement... ;)
