So far this week I've had my family physician pow-wow, been officially stamped as wonderfully healthy by both doctor & dentist, had enough blood drawn to fill a moat (and didn't pass out! which is pretty new for me, a chronic blood-related fainter), EKG stickers applied and ripped off like bandaids, peed in various receptacles, had teeth scraped, scaled and baking soda blasted...
Coversation as heard in my house this morning:
"Ow, ow, ow!"
"Are you stretching down there?"
"Feel the BURN!"
"No really, are you okay?"
"I'm trying to get up! Help!"
.....and signed up for a Body Bootcamp. I'm a fairly active person who suffers from lack of self-motivation by times, so I thought I'd give this new class a go. Oh MY! You know when you do something a little different and talk about finding new muscles you didn't know existed? How this is normally restricted to a specific body area depending on that activity?
I posses a whole second body, living within the known one like a parasite. That new-found one hurts. Everywhere. ALOT. But what a hoot~ I can't wait for next week. I can't move but inside I'm all pumped and raring to go!
How is this jaw related? I guess it's not directly associated, except that the nerves are creeping in on occasion and I wanted to channel that adrenaline into a tangible, completely separate outlet. I suppose housework or never-ending laundry would have sufficed, but I have to do that anyways and it just feels like more jaw-surgery prep. I'm doing hot yoga on Saturday, so I can add sweaty pain to the list :)
This week's been busy on the Doctor front though surgery still feels a long way off. The one coming up is fairly quiet~ a calm before the storm. Time to catch my breath before the whirlwind picks up and I'm dumped unceremoniously on "the other side" without warning.
8 years ago