Friday, March 28, 2008

Four Months Down...

...and who really knows at this stage just how many more to go. I doubt ANYone could really answer that for me just yet. So I cater to my need for fiddling and amuse myself with daily changes. For example: I had great molar connectivity for two weeks and could literally chew my salad! Now (yet again), not so much -the snake returns. If this were a cheap summer movie, It would be "Reptilian Invader VI". Kind of a "Rocky" or "Die Hard" thing, only instead of boxing or blowing stuff up - chewing. Blockbuster written all over it!

Well, I noticed that at two months (lame) I provided the comparison shot of my upper. Today I offer you the never-seen-before footage of my lower at the 4 month mark. I know I'm pathetic, (and have said it before) but I still find it amazing how much things are moving around even though it feels like NOTHING is moving. Arch is definitely rounding out nicely; teeth straighter and standing more upright. Curious to see how long it takes for the hole to fill in.

In other news, my oldest son is slated for a retainer come June. He's 8. And has a mouth like his Mama. Crap. The mission - and we've chosen to accept it- is to round out his upper and get those top teeth in front of his lowers, hopefully acting as a check to slow down his mandible as growth spurts come along. That and the boy's half shark. Little mouth + big adult teeth = ......well, let's just say it's crowded. Nothing's a given, but I'm sure willing to give it a shot. He just thinks it's cool he gets to go on Ortho-dates with Mom. Poor kid just might change his mind and rethink the whole "I even get to pick the colour!"


  1. Wow. Look at that progress. It's amazing isn't it? Lookin' good girl!

  2. Whoa!! Look at that beautiful arch! Congrats!!

  3. Isn't it great when you actually SEE the changes! Makes it all worth it! Too bad about your son; hopefully everything goes well for him.

  4. It's really coming along quite nicely! I love to see progress!! I go to the Ortho with my daughter, sometimes we pick the same colors. Just think, it's a connection not many parents have with their kids. We are so cool!

  5. Thanks guys :) In some ways it's a little frustrating to see progress (Yes I should be cerifiably crazy)....makes me a bit ants-in-my-pants crazy. That whole give and inch and push for a mile, thing!!

    Oh, Michelle, we are TOO cool for words!!! LOL! Self-litigating brackets have *robbed* me of the colour-coolness factor...*sigh*

  6. Now that's some change! WOW! I love seeing stuff like this. :D
